Supporting Our Business Partners

Supporting-business partners

My friends, the past few days have been difficult and stressful to say the least.  I know that most of you have experienced hardships in your business and personal lives.

It is important that we all stay as positive and as optimistic as we can during this very stressful, uncertain time (for the sake of our business, staff and our families).  As my mother would always say during challenging times “This too will pass” (hopefully sooner than later), we will come out stronger and wiser, personally and as a people. This is a time that we can truly be partners and help each other. 

We can make adjustments to your advertising campaign focusing on how to best meet your customer needs.  It may include new ad content and messaging (shifting to online sales rather than in-store sales). We have witnessed how our target customers have rapidly embraced the online purchasing concept; it is time to adapt our marketing strategies.   

On the other spectrum our Homeowners are looking for communication from you, the community and local businesses. We can leverage your online and print campaigns through printed materials such as Hometown Values Magazine or postcards to showcase your services and show them how to find you, be it online or store front. It’s important to give homeowners the peace of mind to know your businesses and services are still available to them.


Marketing Consultant

Adwise Marketing

Ph: 801-390-8550



Marketing Consultant

Adwise Marketing

Ph: 801-513-8673