Relax And Experience Relief With Midvalley Massage

Midvalley Massage

Katie is founder of Midvalley Massage and Hypnotherapy, and has been a massage therapist for eight years and in business for three. We has always had a passion for listening to people’s stories and helping those who have been through some of life’s most difficult challenges. For us, this means trauma survivors. 

Our goal is to give survivors a safe space where they can feel supported. In this space she provides a comfortable, non-judgmental environment where we build trust, and help with some of their symptoms at the same time.

A lesser-known symptom of anxiety and stress is chronic pain. When we are in fight or flight, our muscles tense up in order to react to the stress response. Our job then transitions into helping them relax the central nervous system to signal safety, so that out clients can get some relief from their pain.

To book an appointment visit their website here

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