Notes From Danielle


In honor of branching out with my own branding this year, I would like to highlight my monthly gratitude…

The Big City

At 19, I was working as a sales associate for Weinstocks Department Store. Anyone remember Weinstocks in Crossroads Mall, across the street from ZCMI Mall, downtown SLC? It is long gone now, but it was a happening place back in the day. I was studying Fashion Merchandising in college and I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up…”A Buyer”. Yes, a Buyer that bought clothing & merchandise from the fashion shows and conventions in LA, NYC, and Paris. During college, I was asked to go to NYC on a field trip to meet buyers and professionals in the fashion industry. Of course, I said yes – one of the coolest places ever…right? I ended up in a run-down hotel, in a noisy, hustle and bustle, part of the city. I was terrified each time I left my room. I did have an amazing experience meeting fashion models, photographers, and buyers from Saks Fifth Avenue, Macy’s and Bloomingdales. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Les Misèrables on Broadway and was hooked on the pizza. After a few days of city life though, I longed to be home. To see the night sky filled with stars instead of blinking lights, sleep to the hum of silence, and be in the solitude of our Utah Mountains, a visual masterpiece. I decided a career in fashion merchandising was not for me. I immediately met with an academic advisor and changed my degree to Marketing. I felt such happiness and freedom when the decision was made and I was back to school with new ideas and goals.

I am so grateful NYC didn’t welcome me. I wanted to be here…in Utah.

Marketing Consultant
Adwise Marketing
Ph: 801-390-8550